The Seventh day Adventist Church in Old Harbour was born out of a tent crusade conducted by Pastors Randle and Mignott in June 1919. This crusade was held at the corner of North Street and East Street on the site which currently houses the Azan Super Centre, across from the Old Harbor Police Station.
Burning with the zeal and burden of an unfinished work and the compulsion to preach the Three Angels message of Revelation 14, the two preachers of righteousness preached tirelessly for over four months and on October 12, 1919 the first baptismal service was conducted and seven (7) individuals surrendered to the Lord and were baptized. Among these First Fruits were the following persons:
- Bro. A.A. Plummer
- Bro. A. R. Haig who later became a Pastor in the Seventh day Adventist Church and earned the name “Little Pepper.
- Sis. Delreta Robinson who through marriage changed her name to Sis Delreta Walker
When the evangelistic series ended, this new group of believers was left contemplating a suitable place for worship. This led them to utilize several rented premises at different times and when they could not manage this arrangement, they were invited by Bro Plummer to worship at his home until they successfully negotiated the purchase of a parcel of land situated at 45 East Street, Old Harbour, the present site of the Old Harbour Seventh day Adventist Church.
As soon as the land acquisition was completed the brethren settled to commence construction of a wooden building measuring 28ft by 18 feet and how happy and proud they were for a place to call home-their brand name THE OLD HARBOUR S.D.A. CHRURCH.
Evangelism was their watch word and this group of believers went into the byway, the Hobble and homes of the community folks and members were added to the church. As the years rolled on, Bro Plummer and the believers were encumbered with a”sweeter” problem, that of accommodating the influx of new believers. As Adventism became socially accepted men and woman were attracted to the faith. Funds were low therefore plans were made to add on” yes, expand the present wooden structure but that soon became inadequate also.
By 1951,it became clear that it could not continue that way with a windowless building and inadequate seating and so Pastors Haig and W.U. Campbell along with Bro. A.A. Morgan devised a plan for the members to sell magazines from which funds were sourced to purchase windows and benches. They continued to work feverishly and on October 10, 1954 the building was dedicated to the honour and glory of God by the Union President Pastor A.C. Stockhousen accompanied by conference officials.
As the membership grew the necessity arose for a more conducive and comfortable place of worship. By then the Jamaica field was divided into three conferences with Old Harbour falling in the Central Jamaica conference S.D.A. Pastor H.S.”Tim” Walters, President of Central Conference worked tirelessly with the brethren to secure a new home for the church. He was unsuccessful in his efforts and so the decision to taken to remain at the present location.
On February 27, 1972, under the direction of Pastor Israel Kent, brother of Pastor Donald Kent and Elder Joseph Levy, First Elder of the Church, ground was broken for the construction of the present church building, an effort which can aptly be described “FROM RUINS TO GLORY”
In 1979-80 another milestone was achieved when under the leadership of Pastor Jeremiah Duncombe, the Children’s Division and balcony were added.
As the building process continued several Pastors have had the opportunity to influence its construction. Among them are the following:
- Pastor Randle
- Pastor Hurbert Fletcher (The Whip)
- Pastor E.A. G. Smith
- Pastor J.N. Nation
- Pastor L. Golbourne
- Pastor O.E.Gordon
- Pastor H.E. Nembhard
- Pastor A.D. Laing
- Pastoe E.C. Walton
- Pastor B.A. Woodbourne
- Pastor J. Allen
- Pastor S. Francis
- Pastor R, Ashmede
- Pastor Basil Henry
- Dr. C.A.Gray
- Pastor M. Gray
- Pastor Kenneth Henry (Pastor KC)
- Pastor Hurbert Fletcher (The Whip)
- Pastor Jeremiah Duncombe
- Pastor Leon B. Wellington
- Pastor Israel Kent
- Pastor Eustace Williams
- Pastor Peter Kerr
- Pastor Wesley Gayle
- Pastor Levi Johnson
- Pastor Joseph Smith
- Pastor George McCallum
- Pastor Thomas Bryan
- Pastor Orlando Patterson
- Pastor George Williams
- Pastor Alton Williams
- Pastor Jonathan Miller
- Pastor Horace Wilson
Not only the Pastors were involved in the work and building of the church, but lay workers and Elders worked feverishly, lending their time and effort and talents. Elders, like Bancroft Thomas, Jonathan Franklin, B.A, Grant, B.A. Ricketts, Edley Hinds, Knoll Burnett, Lester Clarke, Beresford Pryce and more recently, Bernard Richards, Stanford Whitely and currently Onigraay Parker.
Today we cry, Abba Father. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. The Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church after 92 years of unwavering service and ministry to the community , give God thanks for enlarging our territory. Our present church membership stands at 1300 members. Praise God for victories won. This church provides a rich worship experience each Sabbath.
We give God thanks for the many daughters which have been born out of the Old Harbour Church namely Spring Village, Old Harbour Bay, Red Ground and Browns Hall and more recently starting with Berea in 1996, Church Pen, Free Town and most recently, Bannister.
We celebrate with pride our rich heritage and thank God for the growth of his work in Old Harbour.